Wall protection for Schools, the benefits of Wall Shield

Ralph Thoresby High school learns about the benefits of Wall Shield after working with Digital Plus The busiest area in a Leeds high school that … Read more >

Easy printing for schools and education facilities

Schools, nurseries and colleges – find out just how easy it is to transform your building with graphics that fit within budget. Read more >

How custom school signs create engaging places to learn

Discover all the creative ways you can use custom school signs to brighten up your learning environment. Read more >

How interactive graphics can enrich your pupils’ school day

Discover how interactive displays are the cost-effective and long-term way to enrich your lessons and playtimes. Read more >

How to cost-effectively transform your school environment using graphic print

  Back in 2013, the University of Salford completed a study that found classroom environment can affect children’s academic progress by up to 25%. Since … Read more >