Wall protection for Schools, the benefits of Wall Shield

Ralph Thoresby High school learns about the benefits of Wall Shield after working with Digital Plus The busiest area in a Leeds high school that … Read more >

Wall display installation for Hope for Justice UK

Take a look at this powerful wall display installation we created for international charity, Hope for Justice UK. Read more >

Wayfinding and site safety advice: How to make sites safe and easy to navigate

Discover practical wayfinding and site safety advice, plus design advice, in our latest blog! Read more >

Thinking outside the box for truly creative office murals

Take a look at this idea for a creative office mural that’s interactive and decorative. It was printed and installed by the Digital Plus team. Read more >

Digital wallpaper printing – in 3 easy steps

Discover how easy it is to decorate communal areas with affordable digital wallpaper printing. Read more >